Links of Interest - Please contact webmaster (see home page) if you find any broken

National organisations

Radio Society of Great Britain.

Ofcom (UK Licensing authority)  

American Radio Relay League

Useful Amateur Radio Links

Listen on from your computer to software define receivers in various locations via internet

Amateur on-air operating guide

dBm/DbW/Power conversion chart

Dipole cutting length chart & suggested antenna book list

Comprehensive amateur links site (UK based)

Links to much info on just about any operating mode (US site).   

The 'how stuff works' site on amateur radio (also covers much science & technology)

All About Ham Radio For Beginners - includes lots of links (US based)

Animated circuit diagrams - useful electronics education aid

Very good amateur/PMR modifications database (although free accesses are limited in number)

Pathfinder - qsl information search

eQSL - online QSL service

ARRL logbook of the world - online logbook service

Callsign lookup

Stolen items database (UK)

Digital modes info with waterfall examples and details plus audio samples for some

APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System)

SDR (Software Defined Radio) links

GNU Radio (SDR)

Software useful to radio hobbyists

Local Repeaters

GB3EH web pages - RSGB GB3EHpage - our 'local' 70cm repeater at Edge Hill

GB3MW - 70cm repeater in Leamington Spa operated by Warwickshire Repeater Group

GB3WK - 2m repeater in Leamington Spa also operated by >Warwickshire Repeater Group

RSGB UK Repeater website

Some Regional/local radio clubs/societies - find others here

Banbury Amateur Radio Society

Wythall Radio Club

Coventry Amateur Radio Society

Rugby Amateur Transmitting Society

Worcester Radio Amateurs Association

Midland Amateur Radio Society

Local Information

Stratford-upon-Avon Pages

Local weather now (at Wellesbourne Airfield-6km)

Local weather forecast (BBC)


G3CWI web sales sitem.


Archive (previous events programme)

Events Programme Archive

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